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Your Village Benefits – A Detailed Overview
Updated May 2024

Note:  Benefits are subject to change depending on members’ needs and available community resources.  It’s always advisable to check in with the Village office if you have any questions about your membership or benefits.


One Number to call for questions or resources:
Avenidas Village member services is available at (650) 289-5405 to help with a variety of needs or questions you may have. Whether you need to find a reliable pet sitter, handyman or home care provider, need a ride or have questions about local resources, Member Services will help you find the answers or help you arrange the services you need.

Extensive network of 180+ Screened Vendors:
Avenidas Village provides members with a list of vendors who have been fully screened by Village staff or volunteers. All of these providers are required to provide their license and insurance information plus the names of 3 clients who have used their services, who are interviewed by the Village for their feedback.  Only licensed, bonded and insured service providers with a reputation for good service are invited to be included in the screened vendors list. Any issues with a screened vendor should be reported to the Village for follow-up to help us maintain a list of top quality, trusted providers.

Vendor Discounts:
Many vendors on our Screened Vendors list offer discounts between 10%-20% for their services to Village members, or special offers to save you money.

Village Handyman Benefit
Once per year of membership, Villagers are eligible to receive one visit of up to 2 hours of free handyman help provided by a professional handyman from our screened vendors listing. 

Village Tech Support Benefit
Once per year of membership, Villagers are eligible to receive 1 hour of free in-home tech support or 1 ½ hours free remote tech support provided by professionals from our screened vendors listing. Tech help can include assistance with computers, tablets, smart phones, home security systems, home entertainment systems, issues with your internet provider and more.

Village Transportation Benefit  -  Avenidas Door to Door or GoGo Grandparent:
Village members are currently eligible for $5 off up to 10 rides per month when using Avenidas Door to Door or GoGo Grandparent, plus unlimited free rides to/from 450 Bryant Street.

Free transportation to/from medical appointments when the doctor requires you not to drive (up to 2x per year):
This is a service free for Members that is provided using a screened home care agency.  A caregiver will take you to your appointment, wait for you, and bring you home and they are available to stay with you after the appointment for a short time if this is needed.  This service is available to each member up to twice a year.

Members-only directories of fellow members and vendors, in print or online:
When you join Avenidas Village you receive a binder containing print copies of the member and vendor directories and various other useful resource listings. These are also available exclusively to members online, when you login to the Village Members website. The listings are kept up-to-date online, and updated printed copies are always available upon request.

Members-only Website:
Village members receive their own login credentials to access the members-only Village website. Here you can access member and vendor directories, search for members by name or cluster, and read the latest newsletter. You can see the calendar of upcoming events and programs, and register online. You can access many Village special presentations to watch online if you were not able to attend in person. You can even post your own review of a service provider in the Vendor Feedback section.

Members-only Village email groups:
Village members are encouraged to use the Village email group and/or their neighborhood cluster email group to share announcements, request help or information, or seek recommendations for service providers from other members. These email groups are one of the Village’s primary communication tools which we will use to remind you of upcoming events and activities at either the Village or Cluster level, or to share news and updates from the Village.

Holiday party and Village celebrations:
Annual Holiday Party, socials & happy hours, and other celebrations are scheduled throughout the year to give you a chance to come out and socialize with Village friends. In addition, special interest groups including Current Events, Video Discussion Group and Village Walkers are open to all members to bring Village members together around activities they enjoy doing together. These events are planned by the Village or coordinated by Village member leaders and are free to members.

Members-only social and cultural outings and special presentations:
With the help of a part-time Social Events Coordinator, the Village arranges and schedules a variety of outings and social opportunities that members can enjoy such as Lunch Bunch, Vistas lecture series, various workshops/presentations arranged by the Village, and local tours and cultural outings such as museums, gardens, etc. Several times per year we plan day trips using bus transportation – to the symphony, to local attractions/tours, museums, special performances, etc. Other programs take place on Zoom for easy remote access. Most special programs are also recorded so you can watch them later on.

Neighborhood cluster groups and activities:
Village membership is grouped by neighborhoods or regions into “neighborhood clusters”. Cluster groups bring neighboring Villagers together for opportunities to socialize, learn and help one another as you get to know Village members who live nearby. Led by volunteer members, each Cluster group chooses its meeting schedule and activities which may include meeting on Zoom, invited speakers, potlucks, or group social outings.  Participating in your neighborhood cluster allows you to network with others and request or provide informal volunteer help such as driving/ride sharing, help with a simple household task, or just reaching out socially to someone nearby with a call or visit.

Special Interest Groups:

Member-led groups give you a chance to enjoy your favorite activities together! Current Special Interest groups meeting in-person and on Zoom include Phone Photography, Current Events, Writers Groups, Walking Group, Social Bridge and more! For the latest list of interest groups and their leaders, click here.

A network of friends and neighbors who can give and receive support:
Through your participation in Village events and in your neighborhood cluster, you will develop a social network which will help you to feel you are not alone!  You can call someone in your cluster or the Village office if you need help or advice, and together we can find you the support you need.

Volunteer Opportunities:
The Village model is based on the idea of members helping and supporting one another.  Volunteer opportunities to support other members include driving/carpooling; helping with small household chores or tasks; accompanying someone to a medical appointment as a Med-Pal to help them sort out the information from the doctor; social phone calls or visits to other members; or dropping off a meal for someone who is ill or recovering.  Other volunteer help which supports the Village includes serving on the Village advisory council, on committees or as cluster group leaders; planning a Village lunch or outing; or starting/leading a special interest group.

Priority access and discounts on Avenidas Senior Center services, classes & Lectures:
Avenidas Village members receive “Gold Level” membership in Avenidas Senior Center at no additional cost, which provides discounts on many classes and wellness services offered by Avenidas as well as priority signup for special programs.