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Village Book Club


Fri 02 / 21 / 2025
11:00 AM to 12:00 PM


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Limited Capacity: 36 spots available


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Village Book Club

"The Last List of Mabel Beaumont "

by Laura Pearson

Friday, February 21 at 11am

A very interesting novel told in the first person, that is very relatable to women of our age.  

This story was great just as a telling of a life lived and shared even if not perfect. As a story about moving on and finding a way forward also a great story. Where it’s remarkable is in the telling of a love story at a time when things where very different and contrasting it with today and how much things have changed and yet sometimes remain painfully the same. The love that exists between all these characters at different stages in their lives is a beautiful rendition of how life can surprise us if we learn to just let it unfold without worrying about what others think and just appreciate who we have with us along our journey.

This is a DROP-IN BOOK CLUB, Village members can come to any meeting.  There are no dues, no requirement to participate. We hope those interested in joining will read the book beforehand and be ready to engage in a lively discussion. Each meeting will be moderated by one of the members.